Sunday, November 22, 2009

My First Solid Meal (Sort of....)

Lucas had his first solid meal tonight (well, there were solid chunks floating in the milk). He did surprisingly well and ate THE WHOLE BOWL! We weren't expecting him to eat everything on the first try, but considering his heritage (I once put on ~20 lbs. during a single Thanksgiving) we really shouldn't have been surprised. In fact, by the end he was opening his mouth and grunting for more faster than we could get the spoon back to his mouth.

To top things off, Lucas is also getting a tooth, which means he can try and bite the spoon and hold it in his mouth. The tooth has broken the skin, but hasn't penetrated far enough for him to really use it to do much damage. I'm glad to say that the spoon is still in pristine condition, free of tooth marks.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Lucas' first Fall and Halloween. Also some pictures from the Penn State Homecoming Parade (it was cold and I don't think Lucas liked it very much).