It has been a couple of weeks since we have blogged. So I thought I would give a quick update on Lucas. In the last couple of weeks Lucas has started pointing, it is not consistent, but he does get that little pointer finger sticking out, were not sure half of the time what he is pointing as, but he is pointing. Sometime in the last week of April, we were outside and there were some kids down the road playing with a ball, I could have swore that Lucas pointed at the balls and said "ball". Yesterday the 5th of May, he was playing with his blocks and he said, "block". We are also pretty sure he knows "dada". The other day he pointed at his daddy and said, "dada". We have also notice that he doesn't say, "dada" as much if Craig is not there. Lucas is quickly gaining his independence, he doesn't like being removed if he is getting into something he isn't suppose to be in. If you do something that he doesn't like, or he is not getting something that he wants, he is quick to tell you, he gets this tone and lets you have it, you know he is scolding you, though you don't know what he is saying.