Saturday, March 31, 2012

Number two!

For those of you who do not yet know and read this blog.  We thought it was time to let it be officially known that Craig and I are once again taking the plunge into the unknown and that we're expecting another child.  Lucas is getting a baby brother this fall (September).  We are really excited, Craig is relieved that it is another boy! The time works great, since Lucas will be starting preschool in the fall (if he is potty trained by then, keeping our fingers crossed on that one).  Things appear to be going well!  We have already had two ultrasounds, and will be having the twenty week ultrasound in about a month.  (I was hoping for one ultrasound this time around, but no go).


Unknown said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

Natalie said...

That is so exciting Katie! I'm going to have to tell Mark when he gets back from Singapore. And what a plunge it is!! :-) We miss you guys.