Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Easter morning we attended church.  We were able to have dinner with some of our close friends, which was a lot of fun and seemed to make Easter that more special!  Lucas had an Easter Egg hunt with a few of our friends in the neighborhood, we had six kids and over a hundred eggs, Lucas made out like a bandit!  He is still talking about hunting for eggs.  Which is an improvement because up until Easter we were still hearing about Trick or Treating.  I figure we'll probably be hearing about Easter Eggs until at least the 4th of July.  We dyed Easter eggs that night.  Lucas did really well at this and was able to dye a few by himself which he was really proud of!  Lucas opened up his Easter packages.  Thanks for the all of the Easter candy grandparents!  (It is being used a positive reinforcement, when Lucas goes potty!)  It was a busy, but wonderful day!

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