The next day we went trick or treating at the Athletic Museum on campus. Throughout the museum there were both athletes with treats! At first Lucas struggled with the concept of trick or treating. He wanted to eat the treat right away, and kept trying to reach into his bucket and pull the candy out, but by the end (after I had opened a sucker for him) he was happily putting treats in his bucket. They also had games, which Lucas didn't really get care about, but we attempted. We had a picture taken by the mascot, as you can see Lucas was not sure about this!
The Athletic Museum was a good practice round for the really deal, which came a couple of days later when Lucas went trick treating around the neighborhood. Lucas loved this! He took advantage of being so cute. When he was told he could pick two treats, Lucas would stick his hand in and come out with five, people thought this was so cute! Lucas enjoyed this so much he even outlasted the older kids we were with, they got tired and cold and were ready to head home, but not Lucas he kept going and going. I was amazed; he walked the majority of the time. He was such a trooper!
Last but not least, the following day we took Lucas to the ward's trunk or treat at the church. Lucas was really excited to going trunk or treating, by now he was a pro! He got to the point where he didn't want to be handed a treat, he wanted to pick out his own treat (or with Lucas it was treats)! It was a crazy week with lots of trick or treating, but Lucas had a blast!
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