Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Who would have thought?

Since we have been home from vacation, Lucas has been really whiny!  I mean really, really whiny!  And for almost two weeks Lucas has been coughing!  At first I thought he might have allergies and was just trying to clear his throat, like his dad does.  I talked to a nurse who told us that if it didn't clear up within the next couple of days they would like to see him.  We put him on a cough suppressant, but unfortunately it just got worse and then his nose started to run.  So yesterday I took him to the doctor, expecting them to say it looks like he has a cold, there is nothing we can do, put a humidifier in his room.  Not exactly the answer we got.  Instead we took a trip down stairs to get an x-ray, and then went back upstairs for the doctor to tell us that he most likely has pneumonia.  For those of you that are thinking to yourself, 'wait a minute we saw and hung out with Lucas yesterday or the day before that or the day before that', don't be alarmed I looked it up and supposedly it is not contagious and he is now on some strong antibiotics.  So if you see Lucas it is not necessary for you to grab your children and run in the opposite direction unless you feel it is necessary!  By the way it was a great start to the week when the weekend had already been very busy!  You know those weekends that you think did we even have a weekend? Oh well.

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