Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Sweets Making

I realized that since we were not going home for Christmas that if we wanted the traditional treats that our families make during this time of year, I was going to have to do it.  This turned out to be a two day process.  The start was kind of rockie, I screwed up the easiest recipe, and that is when I decided that there was no way I was attempting to make divinity, thus the two day process. When I finally did get around to making it though, it worked!  My divinity rocks!  Thanks to my little candy thermometer and the kitchen aid (oh, how I love you!) everything tastes great and now we're in the process of giving it all away, because let me tell you after two days of baking sweets I am all sweeted out.  I went to bed the last two nights on a sugar high!

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