Saturday, July 3, 2010


During the month of May we celebrated Lucas's Birthday three times. On May 16th the day before we left, we celebrated Lucas's Birthday! We had animal cupcakes, we let Lucas chose which flavor of cake he wanted, he picked chocolate! Smart Man! He loved the cupcake and smothered it everywhere! Here are picture from that.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


We went to a ward members house for a barbecue last Friday. Lucas had a blast he loved the fruit salad and hamburger! He also liked swinging in the hammock and drinking from one of our ward members cups, obviously he thinks he is too good for his sippy cup. He was the entertainment for the evening.


It has been a couple of weeks since we have blogged. So I thought I would give a quick update on Lucas. In the last couple of weeks Lucas has started pointing, it is not consistent, but he does get that little pointer finger sticking out, were not sure half of the time what he is pointing as, but he is pointing. Sometime in the last week of April, we were outside and there were some kids down the road playing with a ball, I could have swore that Lucas pointed at the balls and said "ball". Yesterday the 5th of May, he was playing with his blocks and he said, "block". We are also pretty sure he knows "dada". The other day he pointed at his daddy and said, "dada". We have also notice that he doesn't say, "dada" as much if Craig is not there. Lucas is quickly gaining his independence, he doesn't like being removed if he is getting into something he isn't suppose to be in. If you do something that he doesn't like, or he is not getting something that he wants, he is quick to tell you, he gets this tone and lets you have it, you know he is scolding you, though you don't know what he is saying.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another tooth!

Another tooth has broken through his bottom right (lateral incisor). Were now up to eight!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Walker

Lucas and I were playing at the neighbors house and they have this little push toy. I stood Lucas on it and was holding on to him as he pushed it along, after a few minutes of this it occurred to me that he was cruising along and I wondered what would happen if I let go. I did and to my amazement Lucas kept walking with the assistance of the toy. He was giggling and just loving life. It was pretty funny! We now have this toy at our home and Lucas loves it as much as he did as the neighbors. I suspect that walking by himself is just around the corner!


Last week I was on this uncluttering, organizing kick! Lucas was a big help as always! I was in his closet putting some things away and I could hear a lot of noise coming from the extra bedroom so I went in to see what Lucas had gotten into. We keep are food storage in the closet of the extra bedroom. Lucas was in the closet he had was standing on cans of food leading over the shelves reaching for a bag of the Graduate Freezer Yorgurt things. Which I would guess he saw them and decided he wanted them, even if he had to climb over and get on top of other items. In the end he did get what he wanted!

Monday, April 12, 2010


This morning it happened, the inevitable, Lucas has been working on getting the cupboards opened for the last several days. This morning he succeed, I was getting ready for the day and he opened the bathroom cupboard, lucky I was there to supervise, and most everything that is in there he can't really get into, except for the cue tips, which he was able to get several of them! He mostly just pulled stuff out. I guess it's officially time to child proof the cupboards!