Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ag Progress Days

Last week we went to the Ag Progress Days the University puts it together. There are lots of tractors, farm machines, and other agricultural related booths set up. We went because it was free and something to do and we thought there would be animals. There were some animals; Llama's, cows, and horses; huge, massive horses. There was this carriage with six horses hooked up to it, it looked pretty cool. Lucas seemed to enjoy it.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Yesterday, we stayed after church, because I had a meeting. Craig and I gave Lucas a couple of apples, two to be exact because he has to have one for each hand. Lucas is constantly on the move and it has become difficult to keep track of him. We don't usually stress too much about it when were at church because people know who he is and he is easy to find. On this particular Sunday he took off without either Craig or I noticing. When Craig realized he wasn't in the room, he went looking for him. Craig came back several minutes later with Lucas. Craig explained that he went down the hall and could not find Lucas, at the same time someone opened the door to the chapel, and Craig just happened to glance in and he sees our child on the other side of the chapel munching on his apples. Now this would not have been embrassing if it wasn't for the fact that the other ward was having sacrement meeting in the chapel. Were not sure how Lucas got into the chapel, we think he wandered in when someone opened the door. Craig was able to retrieve our child without causing a scene. I doubt anyone noticed.


Kim's flight was out of Baltimore and we were taking her, so we decided since we were going to be heading to Baltimore we would make a day of it and stop in Washington D.C and go to the zoo. This was so much fun!!! Though it was very hot!!! The zoo is huge, we spent a little over three hours there and we didn't see everything. Lucas did very well, he was always alert and watching everyone and everything. We saw tigers, lions, panda's, birds, butterflies, very big fish, gorillas, an elephant, snakes, and other strange creatures. Out of all of the animals we saw Lucas's favorite animal was.... drum roll please... the Flamingos. He loved them! He just stared and stared at them. Those bright pink, funny looking birds. They were all clumped together in a big group, squawking, and moving around. I don't know why, but he was very fascinated with them. We had a very enjoyable time! We will have to make another trip!

Fast asleep!

It must have been pretty exhausting and hard work for Lucas to have company here, and to always be going after Eevee. During Kim's stay one of the nights I was talking on the phone to my mom, and Lucas wanted to sit on my lap so I put him on my lap and surprisingly enough Lucas just sat there on my lap and pretty soon he started to dooze off. I cut the conversation short and took Lucas downstairs, by the time we made it downstairs Lucas was fast asleep. We decided to put him to bed so we took him back upstairs to get him ready for bed, he slept through the whole process, and we wrapped him up and put him to bed, and he was still fast asleep when we closed the door. I don't think that will ever happen again.

Kim's visit!

My sister Kim and her daughter, Eevee came to visit for a few days. It was nice to have Kim here, and to let Lucas play with Eevee. There were times when Lucas would just do his own thing and leave Eevee alone, but most of the time was spent trying to keep Lucas from malling Eevee. He was constantly in her space, giving her hugs, kisses, touching her, babbling at her, and of course wrestling with her, which Eevee did not appreciate. I don't know if Eevee will ever be able to one-up Lucas, but hopefully next time they meet Eevee will be walking, which will even the playing field, if not at least Eevee will be able to run.

One year older!

A couple of weeks ago I celebrated another birthday. I am now one year older, but I don't feel any wiser. I can say that I had a very pleasant, nice birthday. Kim my sister and her daughter were here and that made it fun. Craig even bought me black licorice. He must really love me because he hates black licorice. I was also told that I could finally get a Kitchen Aid (mixer), yeah! Thanks to all who called, texted, sent cards, and sang to me it was gratefully appreciated. I felt very loved and special on my special day.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scout Camp/Swimming/Lucas Talking

The following week after we got back home, Craig went to Scout Camp, which is about 20 minutes from our house. It doesn't take very long to get to a forest here, we are in the middle of no-where sorrounded by trees, lots of trees! While Craig was at Scout Camp, Lucas and I decided to play, alot! We went swimming up at Whipple Dam with some friends. It took Lucas sometime to get use to the water, as first he wanted to just play in the sand, but by the end her would sit at the edge of the water, shovel in hand, digging in the sand. He enjoyed taking a shovel full of sand dumping it on his head, his head was full of sand by the end.

Later in the week we went with our friends down to Ephrata. On Friday's they have this huge farmer's market, where they sell pretty much everything, from fresh produce, pastries, candy, meat, to jewlery, bags, shoes, clothes. We had fun strolling around with three little people and two strollers. We also went to the Hershey Outlets and made a stop at the Children's place to get some clothes for Lucas for next summer.
By the end of the week Luas and I were pretty exhausted and as it turned out Craig was pretty exhausted too! We had a pretty lazy, uneventful Saturday! Though exhausted, Craig seemed to have enjoyed Scout Camp. With the help of some other scout leaders, Craig won the Scoutmaster dutch oven contest for his peach cobbler, and yes his Peach Cobbler is really, really good!

Craig was able to come home for a couple of days during Scout Camp. The day he came home, Craig went and sat on the couch. Lucas went to the couch looked up at Craig and said, "Hi Dada". It was the cutest thing ever.

Lucas has been doing a little bit of talking lately. A few days after we got home from our trip Craig was trying to tell Lucas he couldn't play with the curtains. Lucas backed up against the sliding door, looked at Craig and said, "What?" We have also been hearing, "What's this?" and "That?" numerous times during the day. Lucas continues to do our favorite things which is when he babbles and then stops and laughs to himself, like he has just told a funny joke.