Friday, March 11, 2011

The Polar Express!

I love our library! The children's department is wonderful, they have story time, and fun activities going on all of the time! At Christmas time they do the Polar Express activity. You have to register for this, and spots usually fill up really fast. They had story time first and read the Polar Express, Lucas sat still for this for about five minutes before he was up and moving around (oh well). At the end of the story they handed out a little pouch with a bell and a token to use at Santa's Workshop! We then took a ride on the trolley around the block and ended up just down the street from the library at "Santa's Workshop." Things did not go well with Santa, Lucas did not enjoy this part at all, though he really enjoy Santa's workshop where they had a bunch of nice toys. Everyone could pick a toy and pay with your token. Lucas wandered around for several minutes, he would pick something up, and a few minutes later find something else that caught his eye! In the end he ended up getting some bounce balls! (Not a surprise.) The really challenge was deciding what kind of ball he wanted because that is what he was interested in was all of the different balls!

Talking on the phone!

I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day, and Lucas decided that it was his turn to have conversation with grandma!

Christmas Cookies!

This seems like the best season to make and decorate cookies! Every year I think, "I am not going to go through the hassle of decorating cookies this year, I just don't have time". But I end up doing it every year, because it is a fun time to decorate cookies. And who doesn't like cookies! However, I was not about to decorate a bunch of cookies by myself, that would have been very tedious and boring, decorating cookies is so much fun when your doing it with friends!

Ginger Bread Houses!

This has become one of our new yearly traditions. We go over to our friends house put together a gingerbread house and decorate them! Craig is usually the one does the putting together, I decorate, and Lucas eats the candy....a lot of candy! It is a lot of fun. Our friend Spencer spent most of the time unwrapping the candy, while our kids kept eating it. It was quite awhile before he realized he was not getting anywhere with unwrapping the candy! I think our house looked pretty good and festive. I look forward to next year when Lucas can help decorate.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


On our way home from the Thanksgiving parade, we stopped at Cracker Barrel and had their special Thanksgiving meal! I thought it was pretty yummy. It was nice not to have to cook a really big meal, and then have only three people eat it. Later that evening, at home, we had our friends over for pie, we had eight different kinds of pies, to split between the four of us and three small kids! Plenty of pie! It was a very unique but memorable Thanksgiving!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade!

If you are re-reading that title to making sure you read it right, you did. After much convincing and debating we went to The Thanksgiving parade. Despite some of you (you know who you are) thinking we were crazy (and granted we probably were a little crazy), we went! We thought if you can't spend Thanksgiving with your family, why not spend it with five million of your closest friends! After getting the 411 on the parade, parking, where to stand, drive and such, we developed a plan and did it! So here is the nitty gritty on how we survived the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We headed to New York the day before the parade and stayed the night in a hotel outside of New York City. We then were up, ready, and driving into New York a little after 5 am. We parked several blocks away from the parade route and walked from there. We found a front row spot on the corner of 66th Street and Central Park West. We hunkered down to wait for about 3 - 3 1/2 hours till the parade started. At first Lucas was able to wander around, but as it got closer to parade time more and more people gathered around us. By the time the parade started I felt a sardine packed in a can! From the beginning, Lucas was a concern; would he enjoy the parade? could we keep him entertained for several hours in a small confined spot? He exceeded all my expectations, and did really great! He was entertained by all the people and everything that was going on! He also did some of the entertaining himself: the police that were around got a kick out of him. They came over a couple of times, to talk to him, and at one point one of them put his hat on Lucas and said 'here, have your parents take a picture'! We did and it is one of the cutest pictures we have! Lucas did have one problem. Several minutes before the parade was to start Lucas decided to fill his drawers, and fill them he did!!! We were packed in and not going anywhere!!! So when we had to change Lucas' pants, he bared all, literally, in front of New York City and the police. It was hassle. We had to take of his snow suit and change him, plus I was trying to hurry because I didn't want him to get cold.

If I had to say one bad thing about our experience I would say it was the cold, but it could have been worse considering it was the end of November. On the plus side it wasn't snowing or raining. Next time, not that we will ever do it again, I would haul a blanket in, it would have been worth the effort.

The parade lasted about an 1-1 1/2 and it was really neat, the floats were put together really well, the bands were very entertaining, and the balloons! Let me tell you about the balloons: watching them on television doesn't even come close to actually seeing them. They are huge, massive, and it pretty cool to see! Lucas really seemed to enjoy the parade, though at times he was more interested in the handfuls of confetti that the people threw at us as they passed. And when I say handfuls, I am not overstating how much confetti came our way, we were covered in confetti. It is March and I am still finding confetti from the parade! All in all things went well and I left feeling like it was worth it!

Making Pies and Traditions!

For those of you who know me know that I am all about traditions, especially traditions that revolve around food! As such, Lucas and I had to make pies for Thanksgiving. I remember when I was growing up my Grandma Dot made the best homemade pies, crust and all! If we happened to be around when she was making one of her pies, she would take the extra pieces of crust sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar and bake them. These extra treats were very yummy! While making my pies this Thanksgiving I had some left over pie dough, so in remembrance of my Grandma, her yummy pies, and a childhood memory, I made Lucas some cinnamon sugar pie crust treats! He loved them and so did Craig!