Sunday, May 15, 2011

The boy was born to sing...

Lucas has developed a fondness for singing the past few weeks. It started with "singing" along with the hymns at church (much to his joy, our embarrassment, and the dismay of the lucky family sitting in front of us). Recently however it has expanded to involve the use of actual words and the intended song can actually be deduced. Lucas' favorite songs are "Wheels on the Bus" (but only the "horn" verse) and "Ring Around the Rosie" (but only the last two lines). The best is when he does his own arrangement of "Ring Around the Bus" and combines the two into something that sounds like "beep, beep, beep.....beep, beep, beep......all fall down!"

(I know the picture has nothing to do with him singing, but it shows his love of music, and he's just cute.)


All winter long Katie was "heck"-bent on finding Lucas a pair of galoshes once Spring rolled around. Pennsylvania gets more than its fair share of rain in the Spring and Lucas was sure to not only have plenty of puddles to splash in, but we were confident he would want nothing more than to stomp in every puddle he came across. While it is true that Lucas does enjoy splashing in puddle while wearing his galoshes, what we hadn't anticipated was all the other things Lucas likes to do while wearing his galoshes. Lucas and his galoshes are nearly inseparable. Given the choice, I'm sure he would wear them to church (fortunately we're smart enough not to give him the choice).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Best

(Guest writer, Craig, continues his tirade.)

Lucas tried out his new church outfit for Easter. As one of our neighbors said, "Lucas is always dressed to kill." He looked pretty good, ignoring the runny nose.

Lucas also got a visit from the Easter Bunny, to complement the modest collection of candy he had already collected.

Lucas was actually more interested in setting all the chocolate sports balls on the table.

Egg Hunts

(Guest writer, Craig, continues his attempt at humorous prose.)

Lucas had the opportunity to have his go at 3 different Easter Egg Hunts this year. One community hunt at a local park, one hosted by the YMCA, and one with the neighbor kids in our backyard area.

When we went to egg hunts last year, Lucas wasn't quite old enough to understand what was going on and why he should be interested in grabbing all the colored eggs, especially when it seemed like all the other kids wanted them much more than he did (he was so accommodating). This year, Lucas not only grasped the concept, he also realized that if he got a head start into the field, he could grab as many eggs as possible without those pesky, meddling kids getting in his way (ahh, our conniving child.) It took some effort to keep pulling him back behind the rope and trying to distract him. Once the bell sounded, though, he was off.

The egg hunt at the YMCA was a unique experience. Lucas has been taking Mommy/Tot swimming lessons at the Y, so when we found out they offer a swimming pool egg hunt, we signed him up. For the older kids they actually sink the eggs to the bottom of the pool and they have to retrieve them. For the kids under 3, they are allowed to have a parent help them go collect the eggs that are floating on top of the water. Fun stuff.

Finally, on Sunday morning before church, we had an egg hunt for all the LDS families that hadn't left town. As you can see, everyone had a good time (not pictured is Rhett Van'O who was not having a good time when the picture was taken, but had fun getting the eggs). As you can see from the pictures, Lucas takes his egg hunting very seriously....

From left to right: Cooper and Sadie James, Cole and Parker Butler, Lucas, Autumn McDaniel, Hank Van'O (seated)

Easter Eggs

(Guest writer, Craig, continues to fill in.)

It's that time of year once again, when we wait for the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. One wonders how a furry bunny could possibly keep track of that complex system and always get the date correct (thanks council of Nicea).

Keeping with the pagan observance of one of the most important days in Christendom, we colored Easter Eggs with Lucas. This involves stripping him nearly naked and then still hoping he can somehow muster the ability to not drop the egg into the cup of dye being so gingerly held at arms length by an all too exposed father (who happens to be wearing a brand new pair of pants), while mom courageously stands at a safe distance and using the wonders of optical zoom to catch the action.

I'm glad to report that the eggs were dyed, the pants were not, and Lucas' blue skin has faded nicely.

First Haircut

(Guest writer, Craig, will take over for the next few posts.)

Despite the fact that Lucas is nearly 2 years old, we gave him his first haircut a week ago. It is something that has been a long time coming and was long overdue. (How overdue depends on which parent you ask. One of us preferred a child that was starting to look like Fabio, and the other preferred something a little more conservative.)

More or less what Lucas looked like moments before his haircut

Lucas did surprisingly well, considering he had no idea what was going on. He kept wanting to turn around and see what was going on. When all was said and done, Lucas ended up only getting a minor trim, so while he doesn't quite have the clean cut missionary look, he is looking distinctively less Italian.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A beautiful day!

Though it rained off and on, it was a beautiful day, it felt like Spring! Of course we took full advantage of the wonderful weather by taking a walk, playing at the park, and having a picnic, with another walk in the afternoon! I love spring!!! Lucas seemed to really enjoy running around and playing outside. He had so much fun he wore himself out and took a very long nap! We ended the day with a trip to the creamery for ice-cream! Great day!!!