Sunday, August 12, 2012

Who ever coined the phrase, "terrible twos"

Who ever came up with that phrase, "the terrible twos" has never experienced having a three year old.  With Lucas being three, things have been a little rough.  I am not sure if it is because he is starting to sense that change is upon him with a new sibling, or if it is because of summer and the heat, or his friends leaving, I just don't know, but I hope it gets better.  He regularly wanders off, and being very defiant.  At times I wonder where the manual is on how to deal with it.  I will honestly admit that there days I want to take off my parenting hat and throw in the towel, like the day that Lucas was not listening and throwing bags of M&M's around Dollar Tree while I was attempting to check out.  Good times, Good times!

The inevitable has occurred!

It finally happened.  Lucas has overcome his fear and will get out of his crib (why he is still in his crib is another story all together, but it will change shortly).  Luckily we have been proactive and put a childproof lock on the inside of his door.  So if we shut the door, he can't get out.  The first time he ended falling asleep against the door for nap time.  We still crack his door at night, but tell him that if he gets out of bed we're going to shut the door, which he knows all too well, because he will tell you that it is what we are going to do, before we even say it!  Unforunately that does not always stop him from getting out of bed, but he does quickly learn that if he gets out we shut the door, which he doesn't appreciate.  In the morning he is at his door letting us know he is up and wants out.

Lucas moments

After getting home from our morning walk Craig asked, "Lucas what have you been up to?"  Lucas, "We took a little jaunt."

Lucas, "Dad I be good like you!"

While trying to get Lucas to bed:
Craig, "Goodnight, Lucas"
Lucas, "Dad don't say goodnight, I have a question!" Pause. "Can I get out of bed?"

Craig seeing Lucas in distress, "Lucas, do you need to go potty?"
Lucas, "Yes."
Craig, "Then why don't you go?"
Lucas, "It's too dark."
Craig, "Then you should turn on the light."
Lucas, "I can't Dad! I'm holding my crotch."

Lucas loves his dad and when dad comes home Lucas is eager to see him and ask him questions!

Sibling Class

The other day I was reminded of a class that is given at the hospital to help prepare sibling for the new arrival of their brother or sister.  Unfortunately I was reminded of the class the night before the class and you had to preregister for the class.  Oops!  Luckily we were able to make it in class and I am so glad we made the effort.  I really hesitated, not thinking it would be worth it, but Lucas is still talking about what he learned from the class.  The teacher talked about how to wash the baby, while the kids washed and dressed their babies dolls, and talked about what babies can play with and what they can't.  They gave Lucas this little cup and explained that if you can fit a toy inside the cup then it is too small for the baby.  Lucas understands this and spent the next day fitting some of his toys in the cup.  They also took them upstairs to the maternity ward, were it was really busy that day.  They saw a newborn baby, which Lucas thought this was pretty neat!  He really enjoyed this class and seemed to understand more than I thought he would!

Getting Baby Ready!

We are finally coming to the realization that we will soon have a little person in our mist, we have come to the conclusion that we are not prepared and should probably start to get ready!  We have been clearing out the house of extra clutter, organizing, cleaning, and getting baby ready!  It has been exhausting and overwhelming at times, but I think we are starting to make some head way!

Craig survives Scout Camp

While Lucas and I were having a week of fun!  Craig was experiencing the outdoors at Scout Camp.   He did get to come home for one night during the week and then a night earlier than planned at the end.  Besides getting rained out on one of the nights, starting out with 13 scouts and ending the week a night early with only 2 scouts it was a successful week, in that Craig survived.

Rain, Rain, Rain and Humidity?

Though we have had several good thunderstorms and rain showers you can still feel the humidity hanging in the air  with temperatures in the mid eighties.  What is up with that!?  It figures we would have a heat wave and abnormal temperatures this summer when I am carrying around a watermelon sized mound under my shirt.