Monday, April 12, 2010

That makes seven!

Lucas now has a total of seven teeth! Yesterday we noticed the top right coming in!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The park!

Yesterday was beautiful! Thus the reason for all of the picture taking! We went to this park with a little waterfall (called a weir), a bridge, pond, ducks, and fish. We had dinner and Lucas watched his dad while he fed the ducks. Lucas also liked watching the fish jump out of the water to get the food. It was a really fun and a very pleasant outing.


After coming home from the grocery store, yesterday, I was unloading the groceries and Lucas was watching me from the door. I thought it was really cute and I really liked his outfit so here are some pictures, just because.

shopping cart

Whenever we go shopping, Lucas has a certain position he likes to be in. We set him in the shopping cart and then he gets himself in the correct position, he does this rather quickly and is content while we shop. He get one leg up on the seat with him so that he can turn and be able to look ahead. I have to admit it is pretty cute! I have been wanting to get a picture of this, but I don't usually take the camera with me, while I am running errands, but alas I remember the camera the other day, of course Lucas was stubborn and would not position himself, until the very last second when we were checking out, I looked up and he had assumed the position. So here are the pictures, there was so much going on, I had a hard time getting him to look at me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just Because It's On The Ground.....

For whatever reason, Pennsylvania has GIANT insects (I think its something in the water). The ants they have here are huge! Now that the weather is warming up the ants are coming out and are starting to get into the house.
While we were watching General Conference this weekend, Lucas was crawling around and playing. At one point, Katie saw him reaching for something on the ground and trying to put it in his mouth (not an unusual circumstance). This time, however, Katie noticed that whatever he was reaching for wasn't staying still, but was trying to get away from Lucas! Fortunately we stopped him from eating the ant.......this time.
On the plus side, we know that Lucas must have good hand-to-eye coordination to try (nearly successfully) to grab a moving object between his thumb and forefinger.

Monday, April 5, 2010


On Saturday we took Lucas to an Easter Egg Hunt at a park. It was huge, with lots of people. With Craig's help, Lucas found an egg and was happy just sitting there playing with the egg and eating the leaves that he found on the ground. On Sunday we had another Easter Egg Hunt with our neighbors, it was pretty low-key. Lucas once again found one egg with help and was happy just sitting there looking and holding the egg and eating the grass. Cooper, his friend, kept putting eggs into Lucas' basket. We had ham and potatoes for dinner. Lucas loved the Ham, he likes meat, he picks out all of the meat that is on his tray, leaving all of the veggies and other stuff (he eats them once the meat is gone). We haven't been giving Lucas sweets, but with the help of a neighbor Lucas was able to have some carrot cake for dessert.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Package

Today we opened an Easter package from Grandma and Grandpa Swenson. The box itself was pretty boring and Lucas was easily distracted by the ever enticing stairs, but once he opened the box, his outlook changed entirely......FAKE GRASS IS AWESOME!!! There were other fun things in the box, too. Candy that mom and dad weren't going to let Lucas have, a giant bubble wand that Lucas loves, and a game with spring loaded pieces that jump in the air. We had to get Lucas to sit still long enough (and not eat the pieces) to show him that they jumped up in the air, but once he understood he loved watching them.