Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Popcorn/Muppet Christmas Carol

The Swenson clan usually watches Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve.  Due to plans on Christmas Eve, we decided to watch a Christmas Carol on Friday night (also known as "Christmas Adam" in the Swenson home, because Adam came before Eve.  Get it?  Wink.  Wink.).  Because we have Lucas (and also because I prefer it) we watched The Muppet Christmas Carol.  I cooked Christmas popcorn, which is basically lime jello popcorn and raspberry jello popcorn, which turned out really well!  Lucas seemed to enjoy the movie and of course the popcorn!  I think we are watching too many movies, however, as recently we have been letting Lucas watch the good old Christmas Classics, but now that is all Lucas wants to do is watch a movie and have popcorn and M&Ms.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Food for the birds!

Yesterday, Lucas and I went to a friends house and strung cranberries and popcorn together and rolled a toliet roll in bird seed to put on a tree for the birds.  So, Merry Christmas birds!  Lucas liked doing this, though he liked eating everything better, including the bird seed!

Holiday Sweets Making

I realized that since we were not going home for Christmas that if we wanted the traditional treats that our families make during this time of year, I was going to have to do it.  This turned out to be a two day process.  The start was kind of rockie, I screwed up the easiest recipe, and that is when I decided that there was no way I was attempting to make divinity, thus the two day process. When I finally did get around to making it though, it worked!  My divinity rocks!  Thanks to my little candy thermometer and the kitchen aid (oh, how I love you!) everything tastes great and now we're in the process of giving it all away, because let me tell you after two days of baking sweets I am all sweeted out.  I went to bed the last two nights on a sugar high!

Gingerbread Houses

Annual decorating of gingerbread houses, this year we did graham crackers, we decided this was easier and worked just as well, so for now on it will be graham crackers!  Craig built the house (it's his favorite job *sarcasm*)  and I assisted with the frosting while Lucas decorated!  We did get distracted when Santa showed up on the front of a fire truck, handing out popcorn and candy canes!

Decorating Cookies

I made a bunch of sugar cookies to frost and decorate for playgroup.  When we got to playgroup all the kids are decorating their cookies and Lucas doesn't want to decorate a cookie.  I am thinking "really? I just put in all of this work and my kid doesn't want to decorate a cookie?"  (It could have been the fact that he just wasn't feeling good, though he had seemed fine earlier that day.)  I decide that I will pack up and go home, because if he's not feeling good he shouldn't be hanging out with other kids.  I am all packed ready to head home, Lucas looks at me and says, "I want to decorate a cookie."  Go figure.


Last Wednesday Lucas had a fever and I just couldn't get it to stay low, after the Tylenol and Motrin wore off his temp would go up, he was ornery and irritable, and would not sleep at nigh. , On Friday night he coughed all through the night, by morning he had completely lost his voice and when he coughed he would wince because it would hurt.  And yet even with this I still struggled with whether I should take him to the polar express (which is really fun activity the library puts it on where you ride a trolley to Santa's workshop and you get to pick a toy and sit on Santa's lap.  Spaces fill up fast so I had signed up weeks in advance.), to the point that we start to head to the library and then I came to my senses and realized how unwise that would be, in the end we ended up at the doctor's office,  Lucas was diagnosed with not one, but two ear infections!  Poor little bug, it just hasn't been his season, no colds JUST pneumonia and now ear infections.  At least it gave us an excuse to lie low, we didn't do much the next several days.  However, he is feeling better!  Which is great because he can still enjoy Christmas!

Ego outs D-D-D-Dora!

Ever since we rented a Diego video (because they didn't have Dora), Lucas has been picking to watch 'Ego' which is what he calls it, over Dora.  I don't know why it is more appealing, it might have something to do with the fact that 'Ego' is a animal rescuer, and Lucas loves animals.