Sunday, July 15, 2012


Lucas is talking constantly and you can understand him pretty much 90% of the time.  Though pronunciation is still difficult for him.  I can't remember what we were doing or how it came about, but I think Craig gave me a kiss, and Lucas decided he wanted a kiss too, so he said, "I want a kiss, kiss", unfortunately it said more like, "I want a piss, piss".  This is not nearly as bad as when we were driving and Lucas was pointing out the trucks, and saying truck, but it didn't sound like truck, just replace the T with an F and that is what it sounds like.

Del Grosso's!

A few weeks ago we went to Del Grosso (an amusement park, about 35 minutes from us).  We go once a year when we can get a good deal.  This year Lucas was tall enough to go on several of the rides, but  unfortunately on some of them he had to have an adult, and I am incapacitated and unable to go.  Lucky one of our friends was willing to make the sacrifice (especially on the spinning rides) and go with him.  Thank-you, Friend!!!  It took Lucas one ride to understand the concept.  He got on the ride, but it took awhile for the ride to start, because they were allowing more kids on etc.  Lucas decides he doesn't want to ride, I tried to explain it to him, but he is insist that he didn't want to stay on.  So knowing all to well that he was not going to be happy once the ride started, I took him off, and sure enough he was upset once the ride started to go!  "Stop", "Stop", "Stop", the entire time.  After that he went on all the rides, some of them numerous times!

Yeah! It finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my little man (Lucas) more than words can say!  Every day I am learning more and more about him and how to approach things, so life is more pleasant for the both of us.  One of the biggest things I have learned is Lucas not only marches to the beat of his own drum, but he is the drummer!  He does things on his own time.  There have been times, when I am getting frustrated with the little tyke, I have to step back and say to myself, "Katie, calm down, this is not life threatening, he is not going be at a disadvantage if he doesn't hit this milestone right now, relax! When he is ready he will do it, just back off."  When I do this we eventually have success!

So you maybe asking why does this matter?  What is going on?  Drum roll!........Lucas has decided to use the potty!  He has just gone a full 24 hours without a wet pull up/underwear, this is including naptime and bedtime!  Amazing!  It all started a couple of weeks ago when we ran out of diapers, and we had not made it to the store yet.  I asked Lucas, "What do you think we should do?  We are all out of diapers.", Lucas response, "go to the store and get some."  My response, "Daddy has the car, so we can't go get diapers."  I continued to explain to him that we have pull-ups if he would like to wear those, and then asked him what he needed to do if he wore pull-ups, and he said go pee in the potty.  (Craig came home later that day with diapers, and I quickly motioned to him to hide them!)  He would still have accidents in his pull ups the first couple of days, and he found find a random diaper here and there, little stinker ("Look mom, I don't have to go pee in the potty, I found a diaper!").  It got to the point where he would become distraught if he wet his pull-up, poor little guy.  We have now officially transitioned into underwear, which he loves, especially the underwear Grandma sent.  Quote from Lucas, "We don't pee in grandma Buzz Lightyear underwear."  Lucas is very good at telling me when he needs to go.  He will suddenly look at you and shout, "potty, potty!!!" and may I add he will shout this anywhere, anytime, even if it is right in the middle of sacrament meeting!  No complaints here!  He goes poo and pee, anywhere, anytime! (He loves the port-a-potties, if there is one around he will instantly "have" to go, just so he can use it!) He is also great at holding it in, if needed (and when I say holding it, he literally holds his crotch).  On our way home from Palmyra we were pushing it, but he did a good job holding it, we finally decided it wasn't worth it and pulled over and let him pee on the side of the road.  He thought this was awesome and still talks about peeing on the rocks!  The morning after we put him in underwear, he woke up and said, "I get to go to preschool."  I had to explain to him, yes now you can go to preschool, but not until the leaves change colors and the baby comes.

Touch a Truck!

We have been living here for four years now and every year we miss "Touch a Truck", where they have a bunch of trucks:  a semi-truck, a fire-truck, a bus, a cement truck, etc. and the kids can get inside them and honk the horn, etc.  Lucas was finally able to go to "Touch a Truck" this year, and it was a tons of fun.  I hope we're around to go next year!  After signing a waiver,  Lucas was able to sit in every one of the trucks!  They had treats which totally won Lucas over, (this more or less became the priority and seeing the trucks was just an afterthought) as well as Craig (who took advantage of the treats himself on more than one occasion).

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dead fish swimming

Over the past several months we have been 'fish-sitting' more often than not as we've had various friends traveling for extended periods of time.  This has worked out really well for us because Lucas likes having a fish around, but we don't actually have to buy a fish.  However, we always have a shadow looming over us, haunting us with the question of "what if we kill the fish?".  Truth be told, the families to whom the fish belong probably wouldn't care since a replacement can be purchased for 25 cents, but we would feel terrible that we weren't able to keep the fish alive.  On top of that, we'd have to explain to Lucas why we were flushing Nemo down the toilet.

With that in mind, think how we must have felt when we came downstairs the other day to see this (warning, the following pictures may be too graphic for those with weak stomachs):

After a little grumbling and complaining, I go grab a plastic cup to scoop out the fish preparing myself for the inevitable questions when Lucas comes downstairs wanting to feed the fish.  When I return, the fish is right-side-up and swimming around like he doesn't have a care in the world.  This same scene repeated itself multiple times throughout the day.  At first Katie didn't believe me, until I heard her say "Oh, look Craig, the fish died" later that evening.  I just gave her a knowing glance, wandered over to the tank and quickly swiped my hand over the top.  Sure enough the fish turned right over and went on his merry way.

Now that I'm more conscientiousness about paying attention to the fish, I've noticed that he actually spends more time upside-down than right-side-up.  Weird fish.  He must have a couple synapses miss firing.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Memorial Day

I really need to get better about posting these like the day after the event, but whatever....better late than never.

As I've mentioned several times before, you town has a big Memorial Day celebration with all sorts of activities including war re-enactments, booths, music, a car show, and about 20,000 additional residents for the day.

One of the local churches hosted a kids carnival, which Lucas participated in and thought was fun.

Lucas wasn't a big fan of the war re-enactment, however.  I wanted to try and get an action shot, so we stayed for the first few minutes when they were firing the canon, but hightailed it out of there as soon as I got my picture (Lucas was very appreciative).

Overall, we had a fun day.  Lucas just enjoyed the fact that he got to spend the entire morning outside, running around and playing.  That was good enough for him.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Parade

The Boalsburg Memorial Day Parade (which actual takes place 2 day before Memorial Day) was last night, and as per our annual tradition, we were in attendance.  You must understand that our town is only 6.5 square miles in size and has a population of less than 4,000 people, so you can't really go with high expectations for the parade.  In fact we can't even afford full size horses for our parade:

Actually, the selling point for the parade and the reason why so many people attend is because ~90% of the parade entrants throw candy.  In terms of amount of candy received, this 30 minute parade ranks somewhere just below Halloween, but above Easter, and he doesn't have to move more than ~5 feet because people literally throw candy directly at him.  All he has to do is wait, bucket in hand:

Since it is a small parade, there isn't really much in the way of floats.....actually there are no floats at all. More like lots of fire trucks....

...and MORE fire trucks....

Other than the token politicians riding in the back of various models of sports care, the only other main contributor to the parade (other than the fire departments of the 25 nearest towns) are the local girls twirling classes, of which I didn't take any pictures, but there were at least 5 different twirler groups in the parade (3 of which were playing the same song while twirling.  Can't we at least have some originality?).  One of our friends made the comment after the parade, that "if an alien race were to come to earth and observe only this parade, the only logical conclusion that they would be able to come to is that small twirling girls must be the number one cause of fires on Earth".  I just hope that there isn't a fire anywhere in the surrounding 25 miles because for those 30 minutes on a Saturday evening in May, every available truck is cruising our little Main St. throwing handfuls of candy to waiting kids and would be hard pressed to get anywhere in a hurry.