Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mardi Gras

Since I like to celebrate, especially if it involves food, we celebrated Mardi Gras. It took awhile, but I finally found a recipe that was not too spicy (since I am not particular fan of spicy stuff). For dinner we had New Orleans Chicken (which kind of reminded me of dirty rice) and hush puppies. I have always wanted to try hush puppies, yes I know they usually go with seafood, but I thought it sounded southern so we made them. They were a little difficult, but tasty really yummy! Of course for dessert we had a homemade King Cake, which looked really festive and also tasty really good. We ate more than half of it. I ran some over to the neighbors so we wouldn't end up eating it all. I couldn't find a little toy baby, but I read somewhere you could use a pecan or a slice of orange. I used an orange, Craig found it and was not too pleased, he thought it tasted bitter.

Singing Cows

We took a day trip to Hershey with our friends, Alyssa and her little ones Cooper and Sadie. The day before she had been telling Cooper that we were going to go see the 'singing cows'. When you go to the Hershey Tourist Building you can ride this ride where they talk about making Hershey chocolate. During the ride there are three cows that sing, hence the 'singing cows'. Lucas did not like the singing cows at all, he was so afraid of them and hung onto me the whole time, which is surprising. If you think about it he knows what a cow is, can say the word, and says "moo" when asked what a cow says. He just doesn't like it when they sing apparently. So while Cooper enjoyed the ride and the singing cows, Lucas was living in terror. After the ride they give you some chocolate, and when we entered the building there was a nice older man standing there, who asked the kids there names and gave them a little chocolate bar. Lucas just held his candy, I am not sure he knew what it was, but as soon as I gave him a piece, he quickly figured it out and ate it all, except for the chocolate bar, which he had hidden away in his hand. Quite a while later, when we were headed home, I turned around in the car to give him his hamburger only to find he was covered in chocolate. Literally covered in chocolate, from head to toe! Lucas might not have enjoyed the cows, but he sure loved the chocolate!

Silly Lucas

Lucas can put on his bib and take it off. However, the other day he decided he wanted it to be a hat, well sort of. I thought it was funny so here are some pictures of Lucas being a little silly!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucas likes KiX

Lucas usually has yogurt for breakfast, but lately he has been liking cereal and not just any kind of cereal, KiX. The other day I was snacking on some Life cereal when Lucas caught me, so I gave him some. A few minutes later he came back for more, so I tried to give him more and he said, "no". He pointed to the box of KiX on the refrigerator, said, "KiX". I am okay with this preference, after all KiX are "kid tested and mother approved."

Being Helpful, well sort of!

Lucas is in the 'let me help' stage of development and as all stages this has its pros and cons.

  • He is no longer taking the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and tossing them on the floor.
  • He's always willing to carry things whether you want him to or not.
  • It is nice to know your child is willing to help.
  • Everything seems to take more time.
  • Con it takes more energy with Lucas helping, way more energy.
Lucas loves to help sweep the floors, fold the clothes, and hand me dishes to put away. I was carrying our cooler out to the car and Lucas had to hold onto one of the handles and 'help' me carry it to the car. Lucas also likes shutting doors every time we go out of a room. He HAS to shut the door, he also has to shut the door when we come inside the house. The other day I was in our bathroom getting ready for the day, and I could hear Lucas, but couldn't see him, I opened the bathroom door, no Lucas. I opened the bedroom door still no Lucas, but I was getting warmer. Though all of the doors were closed, I opened his door and sure enough, he was there. I don't think he meant to do that, but at least he wasn't complaining yet.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Today we celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday! We made a cat in the hat hand puppet with Lucas' friends, read some Dr. Seuss books and of course had green eggs and ham! We also had chocolate birthday cake in a mug (this was surprisingly yummy!). It is always nice to have something to celebrate! Adds some spice to life and gives me an excuse to try something different and eat cake. I love Dr. Seuss books, the man was brilliant. Lucas will actually sit and listen through an entire Dr. Seuss book, which is saying something! Fun Day!

Lucas has also started to 'cheese' for the camera. It is really cute, but his facial expression looks funny in the pictures that we take of him, his eyes all squinted, grinning really big while he says cheese! If anyone pulls out a camera Lucas runs toward it saying, "Cheese". I look forward to picture day in a couple of months he should be willing to smile for the camera, which will be a first.

Field Trip

We went on a field trip with our play group to the grocery store. It was a lot of fun. Lucas spent some time in the stroller, when he started to get out of control and wander away from the group, but he actually stayed by the group and listened some of the time (longer than I thought he would). They gave all the kids a hat, and explained the different food groups as we went around the grocery store. Lucas favorite part was the seafood area. The guy showed the different type of seafood, like shrimp and fish, and then he pulled out a live lobster, and told them they could touch it if they wanted. All of the kids backed away and hesitated....all but one child who pushed his way through the group and with out hesitation touched the lobster, laughed, and then touched it again, poking at its claws and thoroughly enjoying himself. I am sure you have figured it out that it was my child. You gotta love him, he is so outgoing and happy! Very social!