Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Day!

This past week we finally got a new garbage disposal. This may seem like a small insignificant thing, but when your garbage disposal sounds like a jet engine, you don't want to run it at night because your afraid your going to wake the neighbors or your sleeping child. Plus it the old one didn't have the rubber splash guard, so you could see the garbage disposal run, and you are constantly pulling out spoons and other utensils out so they don't get destroyed by the disposal. Unfortunately, we were not able to save them all. Now you understand why getting a new disposal made me happy. We are still getting use to how quiet it is and we have a splash guard now, too, it is so nice.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I was talking to my mom this morning about what Lucas has been up to. I realized that I should probably write some of these things down. So here it is. When Lucas sees you eating something that he would like to try, he looks at you points and says, "bite, bite" and will continue to do this till he gets a bite.

We don't let Lucas watch a ton of t.v and I am picky about what we allow him to watch. With that said, Lucas likes a show called, "Yo Gabba Gabba". It is pretty cute, they sing, dance, and teach kids important lessons. Though it can be annoying at times when the songs get stuck in my head. For example, this line has been playing over and over in my head since yesterday afternoon, "keep trying, keep trying, don't give up, never give up". At the beginning and end of the show, DJ Lance Rock brings the characters to life, and then at the end he puts them back in the case. When he does this he says, "yo gabba gabba" and moves his hands out, away from him. Lucas will say it and do it too and it is pretty cute to watch.

The other show that Lucas loves is "Sesame Street", and we are obsessed with Elmo. The other day we were at the grocery store cruising down the shampoo isle and Lucas starts to point and say, "Elmo, Elmo". I looked back and on the very bottom shelf, slightly turned inward was a bottle with a picture of Elmo on it. Who would of thought.

We have been working on naming colors with Lucas and today while I was talking to my mom, Lucas was getting into the DVDs, sneaky little guy, and he saw the spine of the movie "Follow that Bird" and at the top of the spine is a small picture of Big Bird's face, Lucas pointed and said, "yellow". Success!!! Yeah!!!

My Husband the dutch oven master!

For enrichment this week we celebrated the Relief Society's Birthday. Craig was asked to make the dessert, cobbler. I always thought dutch ovens was a Mormon thing, but I think it is more of a western thing, because I have been surprised that people in my ward don't know about dutch oven cooking. Fortunately some of them got a taste of what dutch oven cooking is and like it. Craig had his hands full, cooking three cobblers, peach, chocolate cherry, and a mixed berry with a crumble topping. The mixed berry one Craig tried as an experiment, just made it up as he went along, but it was a success! The man has skills! I thought we would have a tons of leftovers, but I was wrong, very wrong! It was wonderful, as always! One of my friends was debating whether she was going to go, then she found out Craig was making his cobbler, she decided that she would go. (It's that good!)

I have to admit I was proud to be his wife, the women were impressed. I think it is pretty cool that I married someone that likes to cook and does it well!


On Wednesday we went to the bug museum on campus for playgroup. Usually it is not difficult to park, usually, but the guy was not convinced I wasn't a student, though I had my friend in the car and three kids in the backseat. I tried to explain to him that the parking pass was my husbands, and he did go to school. Dtill he was not convinced, so while cars are lining up behind me, I had to find my wallet, get my ID out and wait for him to type it into the computer. I know it shouldn't have bugged me, but it did.

Lucas liked the bug museum, it was small and the presentation was short, so it was perfect! They show them some really bugs, Lucas tried to squish the larva, the bug people were a little caught off guard, my little child the bug killer. After that I think he was a little apprehensive to touch the bugs, but at least he was aware that he needed to be careful. He did touch the coach roaches, and liked to look at the insect that looked like a stick, which I have to admit he was pretty neat looking. I don't remember their official name, but they are from Australia, they are camouflaged to look like branches, and they even sway like a tree branch would. Lucas was ready by the end, got into his stroller and said, "go".


Our library has the most awesome activities ever, and today it was shoe day! Every year they pick a children's book to highlight, the author comes reads the book, and each kid gets a copy of the book signed by the author. This year the book was "Whose Shoes?", it's pretty cute. The library had different games set up involving shoes in some form or another. They also had a variety of shoes you could try on, including big clown shoes. Lucas wandered most of the time, tried on a few shoes. Then he saw the cake, he wanted it right then, distracting him was difficult, but we managed and he did surprisingly well while the author presented. At the end he had his book and a piece of cake, what more could you want, besides the fact it was past bedtime!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Day!

Yesterday was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and I think it got up to the mid sixties, it was gorgeous! When you have just survived winter and have been waiting for a day like this for months, you just have to take advantage of it. So we went to the park! Lucas played and played, we were there for a coupled of hours. We even ended up taking our jackets off! It was a wonderful day! This park has ducks and a pond, Lucas loved chasing the ducks. Though he made me a little nervous when he headed for the pond. The swing set, had a bucket swing that I put Lucas in towards the end and he just sat in there swinging back and forth forever, it was great, it gave me an opportunity to socialize.

St. Patrick's Day!

Yes, another holiday with a traditional meal! On St. Patrick's day Lucas wore a green shirt, and after his nap we went on a hunt for gold. I also found a green flute recorder for a dollar, since Lucas likes musical toys. He of course enjoyed it! At first he didn't realize the gold coins were really chocolate, until later when I found him sitting on the couch eating one. Of course for dinner we had corn beef (yes, we bought two, so we would have plenty for Rubens, mmmmmmm Rubens!) and cabbage. I saw this recipe on line where you could saute the cabbage, and we tried it but it didn't work very well so we ended just boiling it. We also had potatoes, but I felt like sauteed potatoes with onions. Our green dessert was a first for me, I made an Oreo mint Ice-cream pie, with mint Oreos on top, dark chocolate and mint chips melted and drizzled on top. Yes, it was a delicious as it sounds. It was an uneventful day, but tasty!